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Empowering Businesses, Schools, Groups, and Individuals Through Mindfulness Workshops.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-acceptance and mindfulness. During life’s hustle and bustle, self-care often gets overlooked. But fear notwe are here to shift that paradigm. Begin prioritising yourself because your well-being truly matters. 

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Realise your inner world of emotions and sensations, reframe them without judgment, and release them with awareness, inviting space for growth and well-being. 


Welcome, I'm Vanessa

My aim is simple: to teach you the art of mindfulness and harness the power of awareness, resulting in positive thinking and well-being and helping you feel in sync with yourself and the world around you.

I promise to create a comfortable and supportive space where you can be free to show up, without apology, precisely as you are. As a neurodiverse, single parent, who has struggled with anxiety, I’ve experienced first-hand how transformative mindfulness can be.

My workshops’ techniques and content are incorporated from my mindfulness teacher training and are from the Western MBSR curriculum, Buddhist philosophy, contemplative ecology and more.

The journey from my own trauma and life experiences has given me a unique understanding and perspective of the path that is also available for you.

Incorporating mindfulness into my daily life has helped me manage my emotions, reconnect to nature, and see life from a transformed perspective.

I invite you along on a journey to acceptance and to find happiness from within.

Maybe You need some Mindfulness!

Are You Experiencing Any of These?

Lack of Self-Awareness

Limited understanding of your own emotions, motivations, and reactions.

No Concentration

A constant struggle to maintain focus makes you less productive and easily distracted.


Excessive pressure or tension that leaves you feeling mentally and physically drained.

Desire for Happiness and Peace

A longing for contentment and tranquillity in life that you can’t find.


Persistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep, disrupting daily life.

Rollercoaster Emotions

Frequent and intense mood swings that are difficult to regulate.

Anxiety and Depression

Chronic feelings of extreme worry and persistent low mood affect daily functioning.

Addiction/Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

Are you struggling with stress, emotional pain, or becoming dependent on unhealthy coping mechanisms leading to addictions? Leaving you overwhelmed and becoming more isolated, thinking you are different or feeling alone?


A clinical state of severe and chronic mental and physical exhaustion due to prolonged stress, anxiety, maladaptive coping behaviour and illnesses.


Many people today are suffering from trauma, where situations in their lives have left them with behaviour that externally can be interpreted as extreme, where their body has switched into the fight, flight or freeze reaction.


The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is more than a practice—
it's a way of life.

It’s about deepening our understanding of ourselves and living harmoniously with our joys, struggles, and everything. It’s not about finding the ultimate solution to who we are or what we’re experiencing. Instead, it’s about acceptance—embracing ourselves in our entirety, allowing thoughts to arise as they are, even the unhelpful ones.

Finding inner peace is not a destination but rather an ongoing journey, a path, a choice in each moment. We won’t wake up one day completely healed and free from all worry or pain. We can sometimes find a quick fix or remedy that can make us feel happy or what we think is happiness in the short term.

Have you noticed that these things are outside ourselves—a better job, a bigger car, that fantastic holiday, a new relationship? The perceived joy of all the ways we try to make ourselves feel better will fade. The way to be truly content in your life is to turn inwards, know your mind first, and then transform your mindset with practice and dedication.

Life isn’t straightforward, and neither is our personal growth.

Mindfulness gives us the strength and courage to navigate life’s ups and downs. It teaches us to stay present, to experience each moment as it comes, without judging or trying to change it.

This acceptance and understanding of ourselves is the foundation for transformation.

By integrating mindfulness into our daily lives, we learn to cope with and appreciate the ever-changing landscape of our existence. It’s a powerful tool that helps us lead a happier, more fulfilled life. So, if you’re ready to embrace yourself and life as it is, let’s embark on this mindfulness journey together.

We will be a tour guide of your mind.

Mindfulness Events & Workshops

We create bespoke, tailored events and workshops for individuals, businesses, groups, and schools. All the workshops are designed to incorporate an awareness of the individual student and to be inclusive, with a supportive trauma-sensitive approach. 


Personal Growth and Awareness

Embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and mindfulness. Our workshops for individuals are designed to help you cultivate inner peace, clarity, and emotional resilience. Whether seeking to reduce stress, enhance your emotional well-being, or explore mindfulness practices, our sessions provide a supportive environment tailored to your needs. 

Outcomes: Reduce stress, enhance emotional resilience, improve mental clarity, foster self-awareness, build emotional intelligence, develop healthy coping mechanisms, boost overall well-being, and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself. 


Strengthening Connections

Experience the power of mindfulness in a group setting. Our group workshops are perfect for friends, families, or community groups looking to strengthen their connections and support each other’s well-being. You will foster a sense of unity, understanding, and collective growth through shared mindfulness practices. 

Outcomes: Enhance group cohesion, improve communication skills, build empathy and understanding, create a supportive community environment, reduce collective stress, encourage mutual growth, and foster a sense of belonging and connection. 


Wellness for the Workplace

Take your team on a transformative journey with a range of interactive workshops. Integrate mindfulness and self-reflection into your workplace for a calmer and more productive working environment. 

Outcomes: Reduce stress, build more meaningful relationships, bring your inner focus to work, improve concentration and productivity, cultivate positive mental wellbeing and boost morale. 


A Brighter Future

Our mindfulness workshops guide students on a path of self-discovery and emotional intelligence. They are designed for children of all ages, abilities, and settings, and they cater for the needs of neurodiverse children.  

From nursery to high school, in mainstream schools or smaller specialist schools that cater to children with complex needs, mindfulness practices and exercises are provided in a safe space for exploring emotions and developing a positive mindset. 

Outcomes:Increase self-confidence, improve concentration and communication skills, reduce stress, support neurodiversity, and foster empathy and understanding. A supportive community environment alleviates collective stress and promotes mutual growth. Ultimately, we aim to cultivate a sense of belonging and connection among all students.

What Our Past Customers Say


The meditation left me feeling more grounded and calm. The presenter had a great voice and she did not rush through the guiding. The part of putting your hand on your heart as a way of giving yourself a hug was wonderful.

Three words post meditation: Grounded - Focused – Relaxed

Relaxed. Grounded. Refreshed. I really enjoyed the MSR meditation. Your guidance and voice are very calming and guiding

I feel grounded, calm and wanting more. That was a lovely meditation. I appreciated the transition of dropping into the meditation through the 3 steps. I was surprised at the body sensations I was feeling. Thank you so much.

Calm, Grounded, Spacious. The meditation was excellent. Great pace and clear guidance.”

Relaxed, clear, aware, equanimous. That was a great Buddhist-style meditation that really helped me clarify how I was feeling and come to peace with the anxiety that I have…Thank you!

Mindfulness & Our Workshops

Frequently Asked Questions

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing your awareness into focus on purpose in the moment with a non-judgmental view. It is being fully present and engaged in the moment, becoming aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment.  

Learning to be at ease with how you are and understanding that being distracted is how our minds naturally behave. With so much input from the outside world, mindfulness reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and enhances emotional well-being.  

Our events & workshops teach you practical mindfulness techniques that you can integrate into your daily life, promoting positive mental health. 

Mindfulness helps manage stress and anxiety by encouraging attention in and on the present moment rather than concern about the past or future.  

Mindfulness and a variety of meditation practices help reduce and manage our bodies’ stress responses. Our workshops provide guided mindfulness exercises and techniques to help you manage stress and anxiety, resulting in relaxation.

In our structured mindfulness workshops and courses, you can expect a combination of guided meditation, mindfulness exercises, interactive discussions and prepared resources relevant to each topic. 

We focus on practical applications of mindfulness that can be incorporated into your daily routine and life with formal instruction and guidance on meditation from a Western point of view rooted in Buddhist tradition. 

You will learn to cultivate awareness, develop emotional resilience, and enhance your well-being. 

No prior experience is necessary to join our mindfulness workshops. They are designed for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Our instructors guide you through the basics and gradually introduce more advanced techniques, ensuring everyone can benefit from the practice.

In today’s world, mindfulness and meditation can sometimes be misunderstood.  

Students may arrive with the idea of what it is through exposure to media, popular films, and previous mindfulness and meditation experiences; they may even have been instructed to empty their minds.  

Some students may have been through traumatic experiences or being neurodiverse and find it difficult, if not impossible, to meditate.  

As a trauma-informed instructor with a deep experiential understanding of how activating memories may arise and being neurodiverse, I will help support these challenges. 

Working with each student in a way that supports them with empathy and compassion is always at the forefront of how we care for you.  

Consistency is key in mindfulness practice. Even a few minutes each day can lead to significant improvements in mental and emotional health. Our workshops provide you with the tools and techniques to establish a regular mindfulness routine that fits into your lifestyle, ensuring you can sustain the practice and enjoy its long-term benefits.

From elementary schools to psychotherapy offices, mindfulness meditation is an increasingly mainstream practice. At the same time, trauma remains a fact of life: the majority of us will experience a traumatic event in our lifetime, and up to 20% of us will develop post-traumatic stress. This means that anywhere mindfulness is being practised, someone in the room is likely to be struggling with trauma. At first glance, this appears to be a good thing: trauma creates stress, and mindfulness is a proven tool for reducing it. But the reality is not so simple. Drawing on a decade of research and clinical experience, psychotherapist and educator David Treleaven shows that mindfulness meditation— practised without an awareness of trauma—can exacerbate symptoms of traumatic stress. Instructed to pay close, sustained attention to their inner world, survivors can experience flashbacks, dissociation, and even. This raises a crucial question for mindfulness teachers, trauma professionals, and survivors everywhere: How can we minimise the potential dangers of mindfulness for survivors while leveraging its powerful benefits?  Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness offers answers to this question. 

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), defines mindfulness as 

‘the awareness that arises from paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.”

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Helping Your Mindfulness

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